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Junior Program FAQs
What is the easiest way to get in touch with Nathan and/or other staff during the tournament season?

Communication via e-mail is the easiest and preferred way to get in touch with our staff.  PJ Boatwright Intern (; Nathan Nichols (

I do not see my son/daughter listed on the player list for a tournament that I thought I had registered him/her for. What should I do?

There are a couple of ways you can do this.  First, check your email to see that you received a confirmation email stating that he/she is in the active field for the event.  If you have this confirmation email, then he/she is in the event.  Second, you can log-in to the players account and under the “Tournaments” tab click on “Upcoming”.  This will show all events that the player is currently registered for.  If you do not see the event on this list, then the player has not been registered for that event. (Please note that for some of these events (Jr. PGA’s, Age Group, etc.), we have to manually place the player in the correct division, we will update it periodically so your best options are the two stated above.)

Can I communicate with my son/daughter during the stipulated round of a tournament?

Only to provide them with a beverage and/or food item at their request (exception: emergency situations).  Otherwise, please stay at least 30 yards from all competitors, out of fairways, clear of the putting greens, keeping spectator carts on designated paths (or in the rough in absence of paths) at all times.

If I want to rent a spectator cart, how do I go about doing so? How much does it cost?

Availability of spectator carts is at the sole discretion of the host facility and the number of carts available may vary at each site.  It is on a first come, first served basis the day of the event for $25 (18-hole events), $15 (9-hole events).

Can I use a distance measuring/electronic devices (cell/smart phones, laser range finders, SkyCaddies, Bushnells, etc.) in junior golf events?

For all IJGP tournaments a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures DISTANCE ONLY.  If during a stipulated round a player uses any other function (slope, wind speed, temperature, etc.) the player is in breach of Rule 14-3.  Cell Phones MAY be used as distance measuring devices in IJGP events ONLY for distance purposes! Penalty– 2 strokes for first breach, Disqualification for subsequent or multiple breaches.

If I find it necessary to withdraw from a tournament during the stipulated round, how should I go about doing so?

Please IMMEDIATELY find a IJGP staff member to inform them of your decision.  They will assist you with the process of exchanging/signing scorecards with fellow competitors prior to your exit from the golf course.  You must sign for the scores you have recorded as a marker up until that point and assure that you return your scorecard to the scoring area, or have one of your fellow competitors do so.  Also, the card you were keeping must be kept by another member of your pairing/group and if necessary cards must be exchanged so that no competitor is keeping their own score.